ecobee launches Family Accounts to help families stay connected without sharing credentials

TORONTO — February 5, 2020 — Today, ecobee introduced Family Accounts, an easy way for families to stay connected. Family Accounts lets up to 15 family members to join and control a Home without sharing credentials. ecobee Home Owners can choose to invite Family Members to share access to their Home’s ecobee devices. Family Members will be able to view Home information, see and control devices in the Home and easily invite new Members to join the Home. Administrative privileges – including account changes, removal or registration of devices, or enrollment in services like eco+ – will be restricted to the Home Owner.
Getting Started
One family member – the Home Owner – can set up a Family Account from the ecobee mobile app and invite Family Members to join their Home.

Get started with these five simple steps:
- Open the ecobee app and select "Account"
- Select "Manage Homes"
- Select the Home you want to invite someone to
- Select "Home Members"
- Select "Invite New Member"
Availability and Compatibility
By February 5, 2020, all ecobee users will have access to Family Accounts via app version 7.26.1 for iOS and app version 7.26 for Android.