Thermostat Object

The thermostat object is the central piece of the ecobee API. All objects relate in one way or another to a real thermostat. The thermostat object and its component objects define the real thermostat device.


Name Type Read Only Required Description
identifier String yes yes The unique thermostat serial number.
name String no no A user defined name for a thermostat.
thermostatRev String yes no The current thermostat configuration revision.
isRegistered Boolean yes no Whether the user registered the thermostat.
modelNumber String yes no The thermostat model number.

Values: apolloSmart, apolloEms, idtSmart, idtEms, siSmart, siEms, athenaSmart, athenaEms, corSmart, nikeSmart, nikeEms
brand String yes no The thermostat brand.
features String yes no The comma-separated list of the thermostat's additional features, if any.
lastModified String yes no The last modified date time for the thermostat configuration.
thermostatTime String yes no The current time in the thermostat's time zone
utcTime String yes no The current time in UTC.
audio Audio no no The thermostat audio configuration
alerts Alert[] yes no The list of Alert objects tied to the thermostat
reminders ThermostatReminder2[] yes no
settings Settings no no The thermostat Setting object linked to the thermostat
runtime Runtime yes no The Runtime state object for the thermostat
extendedRuntime ExtendedRuntime yes no The ExtendedRuntime object for the thermostat
devices Device[] yes no The list of Device objects linked to the thermostat
location Location no no The Location object for the thermostat
technician Technician yes no The Technician object associated with the thermostat containing the technician contact information
utility Utility yes no The Utility object associated with the thermostat containing the utility company information
management Management yes no The Management object associated with the thermostat containing the management company information
weather Weather yes no The Weather object linked to the thermostat representing the current weather on the thermostat.
events Event[] yes no The list of Event objects linked to the thermostat representing any events that are active or scheduled.
program Program no no The Program object for the thermostat
houseDetails HouseDetails no no The houseDetails object contains contains the information about the house the thermostat is installed in.
oemCfg ThermostatOemCfg no no The OemCfg object contains information about the OEM specific thermostat.
equipmentStatus String yes no The status of all equipment controlled by this Thermostat. Only running equipment is listed in the CSV String.

Values: heatPump, heatPump2, heatPump3, compCool1, compCool2, auxHeat1, auxHeat2, auxHeat3, fan, humidifier, dehumidifier, ventilator, economizer, compHotWater, auxHotWater.

Note: If no equipment is currently running an empty String is returned. If Settings.hasHeatPump is true, heatPump value will be returned for heating, compCool for cooling, and auxHeat for aux heat. If Settings.hasForcedAir or Settings.hasBoiler is true, auxHeat value will be returned for heating and compCool for cooling (heatPump will not show up for heating).
notificationSettings NotificationSettings no no The NotificationSettings object containing the configuration for Alert and Reminders for the Thermostat.
privacy ThermostatPrivacy no no The Privacy object containing the privacy settings for the Thermostat. Note: access to this object is restricted to callers with implicit authentication.
version Version yes no The Version object containing the firmware version information for the Thermostat. For example: "".
securitySettings SecuritySettings no no The SecuritySettings object containing the security settings for the Thermostat.
filterSubscription ApiFilterSubscription no no
remoteSensors RemoteSensor[] yes no The list of RemoteSensor objects for the Thermostat.
capabilities Capabilities yes no The capabilities the given thermostat has.

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