Settings Object

The Settings contains all the configuration properties of the thermostat.


Name Type Read Only Required Description
hvacMode String no no The current HVAC mode the thermostat is in. Values: auto, auxHeatOnly, cool, heat, off.
lastServiceDate String no no The last service date of the HVAC equipment.
serviceRemindMe Boolean no no Whether to send an alert when service is required again.
monthsBetweenService Integer no no The user configured monthly interval between HVAC service reminders
remindMeDate String no no Date to be reminded about the next HVAC service date.
vent String no no The ventilator mode. Values: auto, minontime, on, off.
ventilatorMinOnTime Integer no no The minimum time in minutes the ventilator is configured to run. The thermostat will always guarantee that the ventilator runs for this minimum duration whenever engaged.
serviceRemindTechnician Boolean no no Whether the technician associated with this thermostat should receive the HVAC service reminders as well.
eiLocation String no no A note about the physical location where the SMART or EMS Equipment Interface module is located.
coldTempAlert Integer no no The temperature at which a cold temp alert is triggered.
coldTempAlertEnabled Boolean no no Whether cold temperature alerts are enabled.
hotTempAlert Integer no no The temperature at which a hot temp alert is triggered.
hotTempAlertEnabled Boolean no no Whether hot temperature alerts are enabled.
coolStages Integer yes no The number of cool stages the connected HVAC equipment supports.
heatStages Integer yes no The number of heat stages the connected HVAC equipment supports.
maxSetBack Integer no no The maximum automated set point set back offset allowed in degrees.
maxSetForward Integer no no The maximum automated set point set forward offset allowed in degrees.
quickSaveSetBack Integer no no The set point set back offset, in degrees, configured for a quick save event.
quickSaveSetForward Integer no no The set point set forward offset, in degrees, configured for a quick save event.
hasHeatPump Boolean yes no Whether the thermostat is controlling a heat pump.
hasForcedAir Boolean yes no Whether the thermostat is controlling a forced air furnace.
hasBoiler Boolean yes no Whether the thermostat is controlling a boiler.
hasHumidifier Boolean yes no Whether the thermostat is controlling a humidifier.
hasErv Boolean yes no Whether the thermostat is controlling an energy recovery ventilator.
hasHrv Boolean yes no Whether the thermostat is controlling a heat recovery ventilator.
condensationAvoid Boolean no no Whether the thermostat is in frost control mode.
useCelsius Boolean no no Whether the thermostat is configured to report in degrees Celsius.
useTimeFormat12 Boolean no no Whether the thermostat is using 12hr time format.
locale String no no Multilanguage support, currently only "en" - english is supported. In future others locales can be supported.
humidity String no no The minimum humidity level (in percent) set point for the humidifier
humidifierMode String no no The humidifier mode. Values: auto, manual, off.
backlightOnIntensity Integer no no The thermostat backlight intensity when on. A value between 0 and 10, with 0 meaning 'off' - the zero value may not be honored by all ecobee versions.
backlightSleepIntensity Integer no no The thermostat backlight intensity when asleep. A value between 0 and 10, with 0 meaning 'off' - the zero value may not be honored by all ecobee versions.
backlightOffTime Integer no no The time in seconds before the thermostat screen goes into sleep mode.
soundTickVolume Integer no no The field is deprecated. Please use Audio.soundTickVolume.
soundAlertVolume Integer no no The field is deprecated. Please use Audio.soundAlertVolume.
compressorProtectionMinTime Integer no no The minimum time the compressor must be off for in order to prevent short-cycling.
compressorProtectionMinTemp Integer no no The minimum outdoor temperature that the compressor can operate at - applies more to air source heat pumps than geothermal.
stage1HeatingDifferentialTemp Integer no no The difference between current temperature and set-point that will trigger stage 2 heating.
stage1CoolingDifferentialTemp Integer no no The difference between current temperature and set-point that will trigger stage 2 cooling.
stage1HeatingDissipationTime Integer no no The time after a heating cycle that the fan will run for to extract any heating left in the system - 30 second default.
stage1CoolingDissipationTime Integer no no The time after a cooling cycle that the fan will run for to extract any cooling left in the system - 30 second default (for not)
heatPumpReversalOnCool Boolean no no The flag to tell if the heat pump is in heating mode or in cooling when the relay is engaged. If set to zero it's heating when the reversing valve is open, cooling when closed and if it's one - it's the opposite.
fanControlRequired Boolean no no Whether fan control by the Thermostat is required in auxiliary heating (gas/electric/boiler), otherwise controlled by furnace.
fanMinOnTime Integer no no The minimum time, in minutes, to run the fan each hour. Value from 1 to 60.
heatCoolMinDelta Integer no no The minimum temperature difference between the heat and cool values. Used to ensure that when thermostat is in auto mode, the heat and cool values are separated by at least this value.
tempCorrection Integer no no The amount to adjust the temperature reading in degrees F - this value is subtracted from the temperature read from the sensor.
holdAction String no no The default end time setting the thermostat applies to user temperature holds. Values useEndTime4hour, useEndTime2hour (EMS Only), nextPeriod, indefinite, askMe
heatPumpGroundWater Boolean yes no Whether the Thermostat uses a geothermal / ground source heat pump.
hasElectric Boolean yes no Whether the thermostat is connected to an electric HVAC system.
hasDehumidifier Boolean yes no Whether the thermostat is connected to a dehumidifier. If true or dehumidifyOvercoolOffset > 0 then allow setting dehumidifierMode and dehumidifierLevel.
dehumidifierMode String no no The dehumidifier mode. Values: on, off. If set to off then the dehumidifier will not run, nor will the AC overcool run.
dehumidifierLevel Integer no no The dehumidification set point in percentage.
dehumidifyWithAC Boolean no no Whether the thermostat should use AC overcool to dehumidify. When set to true a positive integer value must be supplied for dehumidifyOvercoolOffset otherwise an API validation exception will be thrown.
dehumidifyOvercoolOffset Integer no no Whether the thermostat should use AC overcool to dehumidify and what that temperature offset should be. A value of 0 means this feature is disabled and dehumidifyWithAC will be set to false. Value represents the value in F to subtract from the current set point. Values should be in the range 0 - 50 and be divisible by 5.
autoHeatCoolFeatureEnabled Boolean no no If enabled, allows the Thermostat to be put in HVACAuto mode.
wifiOfflineAlert Boolean no no Whether the alert for when wifi is offline is enabled.
heatMinTemp Integer yes no The minimum heat set point allowed by the thermostat firmware.
heatMaxTemp Integer yes no The maximum heat set point allowed by the thermostat firmware.
coolMinTemp Integer yes no The minimum cool set point allowed by the thermostat firmware.
coolMaxTemp Integer yes no The maximum cool set point allowed by the thermostat firmware.
heatRangeHigh Integer no no The maximum heat set point configured by the user's preferences.
heatRangeLow Integer no no The minimum heat set point configured by the user's preferences.
coolRangeHigh Integer no no The maximum cool set point configured by the user's preferences.
coolRangeLow Integer no no The minimum heat set point configured by the user's preferences.
userAccessCode String yes no The user access code value for this thermostat. See the SecuritySettings object for more information.
userAccessSetting Integer yes no The integer representation of the user access settings. See the SecuritySettings object for more information.
auxRuntimeAlert Integer no no The temperature at which an auxHeat temperature alert is triggered.
auxOutdoorTempAlert Integer no no The temperature at which an auxOutdoor temperature alert is triggered.
auxMaxOutdoorTemp Integer no no The maximum outdoor temperature above which aux heat will not run.
auxRuntimeAlertNotify Boolean no no Whether the auxHeat temperature alerts are enabled.
auxOutdoorTempAlertNotify Boolean no no Whether the auxOutdoor temperature alerts are enabled.
auxRuntimeAlertNotifyTechnician Boolean no no Whether the auxHeat temperature alerts for the technician are enabled.
auxOutdoorTempAlertNotifyTechnician Boolean no no Whether the auxOutdoor temperature alerts for the technician are enabled.
disablePreHeating Boolean no no Whether the thermostat should use pre heating to reach the set point on time.
disablePreCooling Boolean no no Whether the thermostat should use pre cooling to reach the set point on time.
installerCodeRequired Boolean no no Whether an installer code is required.
drAccept String no no Whether Demand Response requests are accepted by this thermostat. Possible values are: always, askMe, customerSelect, defaultAccept, defaultDecline, never.
isRentalProperty Boolean no no Whether the property is a rental, or not.
useZoneController Boolean no no Whether to use a zone controller or not.
randomStartDelayCool Integer no no Whether random start delay is enabled for cooling.
randomStartDelayHeat Integer no no Whether random start delay is enabled for heating.
humidityHighAlert Integer no no The humidity level to trigger a high humidity alert.
humidityLowAlert Integer no no The humidity level to trigger a low humidity alert.
disableHeatPumpAlerts Boolean no no Whether heat pump alerts are disabled.
disableAlertsOnIdt Boolean no no Whether alerts are disabled from showing on the thermostat.
humidityAlertNotify Boolean no no Whether humidification alerts are enabled to the thermostat owner.
humidityAlertNotifyTechnician Boolean no no Whether humidification alerts are enabled to the technician associated with the thermostat.
tempAlertNotify Boolean no no Whether temperature alerts are enabled to the thermostat owner.
tempAlertNotifyTechnician Boolean no no Whether temperature alerts are enabled to the technician associated with the thermostat.
monthlyElectricityBillLimit Integer no no The dollar amount the owner specifies for their desired maximum electricity bill.
enableElectricityBillAlert Boolean no no Whether electricity bill alerts are enabled.
enableProjectedElectricityBillAlert Boolean no no Whether electricity bill projection alerts are enabled
electricityBillingDayOfMonth Integer no no The day of the month the owner's electricity usage is billed.
electricityBillCycleMonths Integer no no The owners billing cycle duration in months.
electricityBillStartMonth Integer no no The annual start month of the owners billing cycle.
ventilatorMinOnTimeHome Integer no no The number of minutes to run ventilator per hour when home.
ventilatorMinOnTimeAway Integer no no The number of minutes to run ventilator per hour when away.
backlightOffDuringSleep Boolean no no Determines whether or not to turn the backlight off during sleep.
autoAway Boolean no no When set to true if no occupancy motion detected thermostat will go into indefinite away hold, until either the user presses resume schedule or motion is detected.
smartCirculation Boolean no no When set to true if a larger than normal delta is found between sensors the fan will be engaged for 15min/hour.
followMeComfort Boolean no no When set to true if a sensor has detected presence for more than 10 minutes then include that sensor in temp average. If no activity has been seen on a sensor for more than 1 hour then remove this sensor from temperature average.
ventilatorType String yes no This read-only field represents the type of ventilator present for the Thermostat. The possible values are none, ventilator, hrv, and erv.
isVentilatorTimerOn Boolean no no This Boolean field represents whether the ventilator timer is on or off. The default value is false. If set to true the ventilatorOffDateTime is set to now() + 20 minutes. If set to false the ventilatorOffDateTime is set to it's default value.
ventilatorOffDateTime String yes no This read-only field represents the Date and Time the ventilator will run until. The default value is 2014-01-01 00:00:00.
hasUVFilter Boolean no no This Boolean field represents whether the HVAC system has a UV filter. The default value is true.
coolingLockout Boolean no no This field represents whether to permit the cooling to operate when the Outdoor temperature is under a specific threshold, currently 55F. The default value is false.
ventilatorFreeCooling Boolean no no Whether to use the ventilator to dehumidify when climate or calendar event indicates the owner is home. The default value is false.
dehumidifyWhenHeating Boolean no no This field represents whether to permit dehumidifier to operate when the heating is running. The default value is false.
ventilatorDehumidify Boolean no no This field represents whether or not to allow dehumidification when cooling. The default value is true.
groupRef String no no The unique reference to the group this thermostat belongs to, if any. See GET Group request and POST Group request for more information.
groupName String no no The name of the the group this thermostat belongs to, if any. See GET Group request and POST Group request for more information.
groupSetting Integer no no The setting value for the group this thermostat belongs to, if any. See GET Group request and POST Group request for more information.
fanSpeed String no no What's the default Fan Speed on a HVAC with multi-span. Accepted values: low, medium, high, and optimized.
displayAirQuality Boolean no no This boolean field represents whether to show Air Quality Readings to the thermostat hardware. Turning it off will disable air quality automation and notifications. Default: true

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