Location Object

The Location describes the physical location and coordinates of the thermostat as entered by the thermostat owner. The address information is used in a geocode look up to obtain the thermostat coordinates. The coordinates are used to obtain accurate weather information.


Name Type Read Only Required Description
timeZoneOffsetMinutes Integer yes no The timezone offset in minutes from UTC.
timeZone String no no The Olson timezone the thermostat resides in (e.g America/Toronto).
isDaylightSaving Boolean no no Whether the thermostat should factor in daylight savings when displaying the date and time.
streetAddress String no no The thermostat location street address.
city String no no The thermostat location city.
provinceState String no no The thermostat location State or Province.
country String no no The thermostat location country.
postalCode String no no The thermostat location ZIP or Postal code.
phoneNumber String no no The thermostat owner's phone number
mapCoordinates String no no The lat/long geographic coordinates of the thermostat location.

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